
Last Updated On 2021-07-16

Version 2MinSDK 7Tutorial Video

A formatting element in which to place components that should be displayed from left to right. If you wish to have components displayed one over another, use VerticalArrangement instead.

This version is scrollable.


You can set the below properties in the UI part of the builder.

  • AlignHorizontal - it's a horizontal alignment value which is set to 1 by default.
  • AlignVertical - it's a vertical alignment value which is set to 1 by default.
  • BackgroundColor - it's a color value which is set to &h00000000 by default.
  • Clickable - it's a boolean value which is set to false by default.
  • Elevation - it's a float value which is set to 0 by default.
  • HeihMargin - it's a four value which is set to 0,0,0,0 by default.
  • HeihPadding - it's a four value which is set to 0,0,0,0 by default.
  • Image - it's a asset value which is set to blank by default.
  • LongClickable - it's a boolean value which is set to false by default.
  • MarginBottom - it's a non negative float value which is set to 0 by default.
  • MarginLeft - it's a non negative float value which is set to 0 by default.
  • MarginRight - it's a non negative float value which is set to 0 by default.
  • MarginTop - it's a non negative float value which is set to 0 by default.
  • PaddingBottom - it's a non negative float value which is set to 0 by default.
  • PaddingLeft - it's a non negative float value which is set to 0 by default.
  • PaddingRight - it's a non negative float value which is set to 0 by default.
  • PaddingTop - it's a non negative float value which is set to 0 by default.
  • Visible - it's a visibility value which is set to true by default.

Block Properties

You can set the below blocks properties in the blocks section of the builder.


A number that encodes how contents of the HorizontalScrollArrangement are aligned horizontally. The choices are: 1 = left aligned, 2 = right aligned, 3 = horizontally centered. Alignment has no effect if the arrangement's width is automatic.


A number that encodes how the contents of the HorizontalScrollArrangement are aligned vertically. The choices are: 1 = aligned at the top, 2 = vertically centered, 3 = aligned at the bottom. Alignment has no effect if the arrangement's height is automatic.


Returns the background color of the HorizontalScrollArrangement


Specifies whether the image should be clickable or not.


Sets elevation to layout


Specifies the vertical height of the HorizontalScrollArrangement, measured in pixels.


Specifies the vertical height of the HorizontalScrollArrangement as a percentage of the height of the Screen.


Returns the path of the background image of the `HorizontalScrollArrangement`.


Specifies whether the image should be long clickable or not.


Property for MarginBottom


Property for MarginLeft


Property for MarginRight


Property for MarginTop


Property for PaddingBottom


Property for PaddingLeft


Property for PaddingRight


Property for PaddingTop


Specifies whether the HorizontalScrollArrangement should be visible on the screen. Value is true if the HorizontalScrollArrangement is showing and false if hidden.


Specifies the horizontal width of the HorizontalScrollArrangement, measured in pixels.


Specifies the horizontal width of the HorizontalScrollArrangement as a percentage of the width of the Screen.


You can set the below event blocks in the blocks section of the builder.


Layout clicked


Layout long clicked